In August 1966, graduate student Ralph Kiefer and history professor William Storey, both of the Catholic Duquesne University in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, U.S.A., attended a meeting of the Cursillo movement. They were introduced to two books, “The Cross and the Switchblade,” by Reverend David Wilkerson, and “They Speak with Other Tongues,” by John Lewis Sherrill, which emphasized the Holy Spirit and the Spirit’s charisms.
In February 1967, Storey and Kiefer attended an American Episcopalian prayer meeting and were baptized in the Holy Spirit. The following week, Keifer laid hands on other Duquesne professors, and they also had an experience with the Spirit. Then, that same month, during a gathering of Duquesne University students at “The Ark,” and “The Dove Retreat Center,” north of Pittsburgh, more people asked Keifer to pray over them. This led to the event at the chapel where they too received the Holy Spirit and spoke in tongues, as well as many other students who were present in the chapel. Keifer sent the news of this event to The University of Notre Dame in South Bend, Indiana, where a similar event later occurred, and the Renewal began to spread.
It reached India in February 1972. The Vincentian Congregation in India draws its spirit and distinctive character from the life and works, and the Common Rules of Saint Vincent de Paul who is chosen as the Father and Patron of the Vincentian Congregation. “To preach the Good News to the poor” (Luke 4:18) is the motto of the Congregation. As visualized by St. Vincent, the Congregation strives to give expression to the spirit of Christ, resplendent in the five virtues of simplicity, humility, meekness, mortification and zeal for the salvation of souls. The ardent and compassionate love of the poor inspires the Vincentians to work hard and to do their best to improve the conditions of the poor, and to share their lot by adopting a humble and simple life style. The Congregation is led by Very Reverend Father Sebastian Thundathikunnel, Superior General.
Reverend Father Augustine Vallooran, VC (Congregation of Vincentians) is the Director of the Divine Retreat Centre off of Divine Nagar Railway Station on Muringoor Kadukutty Road, Muringoor Vadakkummuri, Kerala, India. Goodness TV and Divine TV program director Sister Maria Sangeetha is a dynamic preacher for the Vincentian Congregation in India and is featured on many of their worldwide programs.